Poreia Ygeias (Health Route) was created by health professionals who make their way together with an aim to psychosomatically reinforce their clients. Our vision is to facilitate people who wish to develop in a holistic manner.
Poreia Ygeias invites you to a walk of motion and balance.
Poreia Ygeias offers you the opportunity to combine the enjoyment of the bluest of seas and the stay at the finest of Pelion resorts, with the benefits of wellness retreats and alternative therapies.
The word “holistic” stems from the ancient Greek word “olon”, meaning “whole” or “complete”, as in the relevant therapeutic practices the client is treated not only physically, but also sentimentally and mentally. Holistic treatments are widely used and taught in universities around the world. The way they affect the human organism is remarkable and, as research states, they are safe to use in all ages and diseases, as they are free of side-effects and free of counter reactions with other treatments or medicine.
Poreia Ygeias (Health Route) was created with a vision to facilitate people who wish to develop in a holistic manner.
The word “holistic” stems from the ancient Greek word “olon”, meaning “whole” or “complete”. From the personal health perspective, holistic treatments are widely used and teached in universities around the world. The way they affect the human organism is remarkable and, as research states, they are safe to use in all ages and diseases, as they are free of side-effects and free of counter reactions with other treatments or medicine. Accordingly, in our therapeutic practices the client is treated not only physically, but also sentimentally and mentally. Alternative therapies that are applied are approached in a scientific manner, and expertise is thought of as highly as is experience.
From the broader system perspective, the holistic view orders not only personal, but also group and social interventions. Aligned with World Health Organization’s perspective of health -as a physical, psychological and social issue-, we have a strong presence in the local community and aim to a positive and sustainable social impact.
Poreia Ygeias organises holistic wellness retreats throughout the year, accommodated by traditional venus owned by locals. The retreats’ activities are offered by local therapists, members or friends of Poreia Ygeias.
Poreia Ygeias as a social cooperative company (registration number 000013903070) is bound to employ local people who belong to socially vulnerable groups (such as unemployed mothers).
One of the ongoing projects is the free-of-charge psycho-social support and empowerment of a local association of people with physical disability.
The retreats that are organised by Poreia Ygeias are hosted in traditional venues owned by local families.
Oils and ointments used in physical holistic therapies are produced by local small or family companies. Tea offered comes either from fair trade corporations or from hand-by-hand selection from the local Pelion mountain. Participants of the retreats that we organize are accordingly advised to prefer locally gathered herbs for teas and beverages and to purchase the beautifully hand made crafts of the Pelion markets in order to reinforce local economy.
Oils and ointments used in physical holistic therapies are organic. Paper and glass waste is recycled accordingly. Use of plastic is avoided (ex. clay cups are preferred for tea serving, refillable bottles are used for walking tours), and if used, plastic waste is recycled. Use of electricity-spending machines (such as dish-washer) is excluded in the mainquarters.
The traditional hotels and other venues that host our retreats follow eco-friendly procedures concerning water usage and waste management. Participants of our holistic retreats are accordingly advised to reduce water usage, in an attempt to encourage the holistic view physically, mentally and in an eco-prospect alike. Participants of our retreats are also advised to make their best effort to preserve the vivid natural beauty of the Pelion forests, keep clear the routes and passages that they will use in their individual trekking or group-organised walking tours, avoid any fire burning and keep waste of the beach.
Open lectures about health or psychology issues are offered two or three times a year. Participants of our retreats and groups are adviced to respect and preserve the local culture and are offered with written information about the history and traditions of the place.
As for the participants of our retreats, they are encouraged to take part in the local music or dancing fests whenever possible, thus embracing the true feeling of the local culture.
Ioannis E. Dovros
Ioannis E. Dovros is a Holistic Therapist and Psychotherapist. He supports people who wish to build their lives on the ground of both physical and psychological health, in a holistic way.
He began his professional history in the field of gymnastics and physical training, and specialized in the area of training people with disability or chronic disease. His personal quest and his interest in dealing with social problems brought him to meet with Social Clinical Psychology and to support people with addiction problems. Seeking to a full expression of the mind and body, he has chosen the psychotherapeutic method of Non Directive Intervention and the psychotherapeutic physical Playback Theater.
Ioanna Georgiadou
Ioanna Georgiadou is a Social-Clinical Psychologist, Family Psychotherapist, specializing in addictions and psychosocial problems. She supports adults and adolescents following the principles of client-centered psychotherapy from a systemic perspective.
She particularly loves coordinating counseling and personal development groups. Her interest in the area of disability led her to special education, where she explores the issue of the quality of life of people with disabilities.
The path of her life has brought her to Volos, where she has chosen to work and live with her family.